My Ancestor’s Spirituals

Negro Spirituals

The voices so haunting,

So eerily disconcerting but unifying,

Heart wrenching voices

Reaching deep within my soul

Gifting me with belonging

Rousing empathy and oneness,

Lifting me to places I never knew existed.

Places of pain and determination,

The collision of the past, present and future;

Float to me,

Cocooning me from the harsh reality.

Imbued in it, one heavy supplication,

An anguished release of the over burdened,

It is but the sigh of solace

The remembrance of the opium that assuaged my people

In the same manner the solace that brings hope

Fluttering on the periphery of the brokenness within.

The undying Spirit of my people.

The Spirit that propels me to rise up when broken down.

My Ancestor’s Spirituals.


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